Affordable Housing as part of One Vision Housing's development programme. Demonstrating a range of works including driveway, road and carpark construction, drainage, excavation, landscaping and retaining wall installation.
Services provided for this project
Utilities & Services
Civil Engineering
Deep Excavation
Roads & Highways
Maritime Civil Construction
One Vision Housing’s affordable housing development Mountwood Gardens is an exciting project located near Liverpool, this £7m development will create 61 new homes and has generated £3.5m social value and £3.8m economic value which is contributed to the local community (from Sovini Construction - Mountwood Gardens, Social Value Report) The project is also part of Sovini Construction’s net zero carbon commitment which actions the environmental issues surrounding construction. Platinum and Sovini actively collaborate on this journey towards sustainable construction with measures such as energy efficient designs, recycling materials and lower carbon materials procurement being implemented to work towards this shared goal.
For the Mountwood Gardens project, we completed a wide range of groundworks and civils including:
Plot drainage for houses
Remedial works on sewer line
Works on main line installing hydro brakes, penstock valves and stormwater safety chain
Manhole works including breakout, inspection, cleaning, benching, repairs and ladder rungs installation
CCTV drainage survey
Drainage tests
Concrete pours for bin store, cycle stand and foundations