Maritime civil Construction

See the services we offer in and around Waterways, Watercourses, Lakes and Ponds including Water Structures (such as locks, piers and ports), Revetments and Water Pumping
  1. Water Structures
  2. Revetment Works
  3. Pumping Water
  4. Wildlife Considerations

Water Structures

Any infrastructure in and around water involves additional planning, expertise and equipment to ensure safe and efficient working. Our team is experienced and knowledgeable to deliver high-quality water structure construction and maintenance ensuring durability, functionality and sustainability.

We tender for a number of services relating to water structures including culverts, headwalls, water storage reservoirs, retaining walls, water treatment structures and more.

Revetment Works

We also provide robust and effective revetment works to protect coastlines, riverbanks or any other areas vulnerable to erosion and water damage. They are sloping structures that absorb and dissipate the energy of incoming water to halt the destructive force of the water flow.

Our skilled operatives can install a variety of revetments tailored to structural and environmental needs. Including:

- Rock Revetments, large stones interlocked to create a durable barrier

- Concrete Block Revetment, a structured approach using precast blocks to form a slop that buffers wave action and can be incorporated with runoff drainage

- Timber Revetment, an eco-friendly solution that may not be as effective as other methods but offer a more aesthetic and cost-effective solution

To protect and preserve landscapes, revetments can be effective solution against water erosion.

Pumping Water

We offer professional water pumping services for sites that have excess water that need to be removed or transferred to a different location. The services we offer include:

- Dewatering, for removing excess water from excavations, trenches etc.

- Groundwater Control, to remove excess water from waterlogged areas

- Flood Response, emergency pumping to deal with unexpected flooding caused by heavy rainfall

Our operatives use a variety of methods and equipment to pump water including:

- Submersible Pumps, used to remove water from deep excavations and confined spaces

- Centrifugal Pumps, useful for transferring a large volume of water over a long distance

- Wellpoint Systems, for dewatering large construction areas by lowering the groundwater level

- Trash Pumps, to transfer water that contains debris such as silt, pebbles, mud, twigs and leaves

To maintain efficient and safe operations on a wet site it is important to have water pumping plans in place.

Wildlife Considerations

Working in and around waterways, watercourses, lakes and ponds we will often encounter wildlife and habitats. Therefore, it is very important that we take care and complete all the necessary steps to protect and preserve the natural habitats. For every project an initial inspection is performed where it is determined if a further visit from a specialist is required and if